
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Spoonflower - On Demand Fabric Printing

The Story on NPR ran a story today about start up Spoonflower that produces fabric printed on demand. Gart Davis and Stephen Fraser, formerly of Lulu and Stephen's wife founded the company, based on her desire for a particular design of fabric to make curtains for their home.

You can listen to the The Story on Spoonflower at this link, its the second half of the audio file.

The Story picked up the story based on the unlikeliness that someone would want to start a fabric company in NC today. But the synergy with Lulu's business model and inability to find a competitor to the service lead to the creation of the company to services a need. With over 15,000 registered users, apparently many others wanted this service as well.

Stolen from EnInIn.


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